COVID nineteen

SBA Disaster Loan: Small Business Relief from Coronavirus

SBA Disaster Loan: Small Business Relief from Coronavirus

SBA Loans can Save Businesses from the Coronavirus Outbreak

This week, President Trump unveiled his administration’s plans to take on the coronavirus outbreak. Amongst those plans, they will release $50 billion to small businesses struggling as a result of the virus. And yes, these funds will be made available to your event and party rental company. SBA disaster loan opportunities are coming your way.


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Coronavirus: Safeguarding Your Party Rental Customers

Coronavirus: Safeguarding Your Party Rental Customers

Helping Reduce the Spread of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Are you taking steps to minimize the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19), MRSA, flu strains, and more? Keeping your customers and employees safe is critical. Let's explain what you can do to ensure everyone is fully enjoying your party or event.

To work in the event and party rental industry, you really need to be a ---

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